Child-Care Services adopted by Mothers in Banks (with Children Birth – 5years) in Nsukka Local Government Area, Enugu State



How to Cite

F. O., O., E. J., N., C. L., E., U. I., N., C. C., I., & E. K., O. (2024). Child-Care Services adopted by Mothers in Banks (with Children Birth – 5years) in Nsukka Local Government Area, Enugu State. Journal of Home Economics Research, 27(1). Retrieved from


The study investigated the childcare services adopted by mothers in the
banking sector in Nsukka local government area. Specifically, the study
identified the childcare services available to mothers in the banking sector, the
childcare services they adopt and the children related challenges they face.
Cross-sectional survey research design was adopted. The population
comprised of 41 mothers of children (birth-five years), who were working in
the 19 Banks in Nsukka L.G.A. at the time of the study. Questionnaire was
used for data collection. Data were analysed using mean and standard
deviation. A mean level of 2.50 and above was taken as the acceptable value
for agreed. Findings show that the major childcare services available to
mothers were nanny (78.00%), mother’s help (68.30%), relative care (78.00%),
day care (85.30%) and taking a leave (82.90%).Findings also showed that the
widely adopted child-care service was relative care(63.4%) followed by taking
a leave (58.50%) and mother’s help (53.60%).Not being able to practice
exclusive breast feeding and ineffectiveness in playing their motherly role
were some of the challenges faced by the mothers in the banks. It was
recommended that policy makers work towards effective implementation of
work-family balance initiatives in the context of the wider Nigerian working
environment especially in the banking institutions.