The Journal of Home Economics Research (JHER) is a scholarly and trans-disciplinary research publication. Manuscripts to be considered for publication must be found very useful to both scholars and practitioners in Home Economics and related fields.
Articles which should be typed in double spacing should not exceed 10-12 quarto pages including references and abstracts using MS word 2003 format.
The title and institutional affiliation of the author(s) and an abstract of not more than 120 words should precede the title.
Manuscript under consideration by other journals must not be submitted.
Empirical reports must be written under the following distinctive headings:
(i) Introduction should incorporate background of study, statement of problem, significance of study and appropriate literature.
(ii) Objectives/Purposes/ Research Questions/Hypotheses.
(iii) Methodology - This should contain the following distinctive sub-headings: Area of study, design of the study, Population, Sample, Instrument, Data collection, and analysis techniques
(iv) Findings
(v) Discussion.
(vi) Conclusion.
(vii) References.
Non-empirical reports must have:
(i) Introduction - that shows clearly the focus of the article.
(ii) Main body - under distinctive headings that could have been reflected in the Introduction.
(iii) Conclusion with appropriate recommendations where necessary.
(iv) References.
Literature must be relevant, rich and current. References should be according to the American Psychological Association (APA).
Tables must be in line with the MS Word table format
Manuscript must be submitted in Triplicate with a non-refundable peer-review fee of five thousand Naira (N6500.00), to: