Evaluation of the Organoleptic Attributes and Acceptability of Cotton Fabric Treated with Dyes Extracted from Beetroot (Betavulgaris) Indigenous Plant for Fabric Coloration


Dye extraction
Organoleptic attribute
Cotton fabric

How to Cite

S.U, O., & E. U., A. (2024). Evaluation of the Organoleptic Attributes and Acceptability of Cotton Fabric Treated with Dyes Extracted from Beetroot (Betavulgaris) Indigenous Plant for Fabric Coloration. Journal of Home Economics Research, 18(1). Retrieved from https://journals.heran.org/index.php/JHER/article/view/218


This study evaluated the organoleptic attributes and acceptability of
cotton fabric treated with dyes extracted from beetroot [Beta vulgaris]
indigenous plant for fabric coloration. The study design was Research
and Development (R and D) and was conducted at the University of
Nigeria, Nsukka. The study population comprised 41 evaluators made
up of 17 Lecturers and 24 Postgraduate students from University of
Nigeria, Nsukka. Organoleptic Attributes and Acceptability Evaluation
[OAAE] instrument was used for data collection and data were
analyzed using descriptive statistics. t-test statistic tested a null
hypothesis at 0.05 Level ofsignificance There were no significant
differences(P>0.05) in the mean rating responses of lecturers and
postgraduate students on the acceptance of the organoleptic attributes
of the beetroot dye on cotton fabric in six instances but difference
existed in one instance. The null hypothesis was therefore accepted in
six instances and rejected in one instance at 0.05 probability level.
Recommendations were made based on the findings.