The study assessed the proximate, phytochemical and anti-nutritional
composition of Ufuku (Hildegardia barteri) seed. Proximate analysis
showed that Ufuku seed contains 4.91+1.13% moisture, 4.12+0.02% ash,
34.13+0.12% fat, 21.93+0.20% crude fibre and 21.48+1.29% carbohydrate
by difference. These contents compared favourably with already
known oilseed like peanut (Arachis hypogaea) with 21.80% crude protein
and a higher ash content than that in melon seed (Cococynthis citrullus)
of 2.94+0.11%. Ufuku seed contains some phytochemicals such as
Alkaloids (2.07+0.04mg), Flavonoid (1.60+0.02mg), Saponin
(0.37+0.01mg), and Phenols (0.075+0.001mg), and also anti-nutrients
which include Phytate (0.25+0.01mg), Tannin (0.36+0.00mg) and
Oxalate (0.53+0.001mg). It is recommended that more research should
be carried out to identify best processing techniques that could
eliminate the anti-nutrients present in Hildegardia barteri seed before its
consumption can be encouraged for maximum benefits.