The study assessed the nutrient, phytochemical and anti-nutrient
composition of breadfruit (artocarpus communis). Chemical analysis was
carried out on raw breadfruit pulp using standard procedures. Some of the
nutrients analysed such as carbohydrates (24.05), protein (1.35%), fat
(0.95%), moisture (71%), fibre (1.2%), ash (1.0%) B-carotene (0.07mg),
calcium (0.5mg) and iron (0.87mg) had values which compared favourably
with that from other cultivars, while vitamin C (3.90mg), niacin (0.05mg)
and zinc (0.04) values were low. The breadfruit contained some anti-
nutrients such as oxalate (2.18mg) phytate (1.3mg) and tannin (4.0mg) as
well as phytochemicals which include flavonoids (8.0mg) Alikaloids
(25.5mg) and saponin (23.0mg). It is recommended that more research
should be carried out to identify best processing techniques that can
eliminate the ant- nutrients present in breadfruit before its consumption
can be encouraged for maximum benefit