Female Consumers Expectations and Post Patronage Satisfaction of Tailoring Services in Ibadan Metropolis


and Patronage

How to Cite

A. A., A., & B.O., F. (2024). Female Consumers Expectations and Post Patronage Satisfaction of Tailoring Services in Ibadan Metropolis. Journal of Home Economics Research, 17(2). Retrieved from https://journals.heran.org/index.php/JHER/article/view/81


This study investigated consumers‟ expectations and post
patronage satisfaction of tailoring services and delivery of garment
makers among female residents of Elere Community, Apata,
Ibadan. Questionnaire was used for data collection. Data were
mean and t-test. The result revealed that the mean score of
consumers expectation is 3.14 while the mean score of consumers‟
post patronage satisfaction is 2.85. The hypothesis revealed that
there is no significant difference between consumers‟ expectation
and post patronage perception (tcal<tcrit0.05) of tailoring services and
delivery. It was recommended, among others, that
tailors/dressmakers should improve their skills and services