The study focused on protein consumption practices of aged women in Nsukka
Local Government Area (LGA) of Enugu State, Nigeria. Specifically, it determined
common protein foods (plant and animal sources) consumed by aged women,
frequency of consumption of protein foods, factors that hinder consumption of
protein foods by aged women, and ways of improving the consumption of protein
by aged women. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. Questionnaire was
used for data collection. Population for the study was made up of aged women in
the area of study. Mean and standard deviation were used for data analysis.
Findings of the study show seven plant protein sources ( consumed by the
aged women. These include okpa (vigna subterraea) ( , black beans (caviar
criolla) , and others. There are also six animal protein sources ( .
These include, crayfish ( , fish ( ), beef ( , and others. Other
findings are various frequencies of consumption of protein sources, ( ,
including, “once daily” ( , five times weekly ( , and others. Further
findings are eight factors that hinder protein consumption ( by the aged
women. These include, “food not always available” ( , lack of strength most
times to prepare food (( , protein food are costly ( , and others. More
findings are 13 ways of improving protein consumption among the aged women
( . These include, that health providers should guide aged women in
protein consumption ( , cultural/religious restrictions that hinder protein
consumption by aged women to be scrapped by government ( and others.
Based on the findings six recommendations were made for improving protein
consumption of the aged women.