Information and Communication Technology Utilization for Skill Acquisition among Adult Distance Learners in Enugu State, Nigeria



How to Cite

U.L., K. (2024). Information and Communication Technology Utilization for Skill Acquisition among Adult Distance Learners in Enugu State, Nigeria. Journal of Home Economics Research, 28(1). Retrieved from


The main purpose of the study was to investigate issues relating to
utilization of ICT by adult leaners in distance education centres in Enugu
State. Specifically the study determined various ICT resources available to
the learners, ways ICT utilization facilitate skill acquisition and problems
hindering the use of ICT. The study used descriptive survey research design.
Three research questions and two null hypotheses guided the study. The
population was 943 adult distance education learners in the area. A random
sample size of 491 distance learners (195 males and 296 females) was drawn
from six National Teachers Institute Centres in Enugu state. Data were
collected through questionnaire. Data were analyzed using frequency,
percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test. Findings showed 13 ICT
resources avaliable, including mobile phones, computers, internet among
others. Also 10 ways utilization of ICT facilitate skill acquisition were
identified. These include independent leaening; acquisition of competence in
a short time. Other findings are 17 problems that hinder the use of ICT in
facilitating skill acquisition. These include poor remuneration of instructors;
inadequate ICT intrastructures and irregular electricity power supply. The
study recommends that government should hasten full integration and use
of ICT in the education programmes, provide adequate fund for education
sector, especially for ICT, among others.