The study investigated educational challenges of autistic children among
families in Benue state. The study was guided by three research questions.
Survey research design was used. Population was made up of 96 autistic
children, 96 parents, and 22 teachers totalling 214 derived from three
institutional homes in Benue State. Educational package for autistic children
questionnaire (EPACQ) and Autistic Children Engagement Training
Programme (ACETP) were used as the instrument for data collection. Data
were analysed using means, standard deviation and bar charts. Results show
that the training programme used for educational development of autistic
children showed a significant relevance to changes in intellectual behaviour.
It follows that the educational challenges faced by autistic children and
families can be modified through selected educational programmes.
Recommendations include, among others, that curriculum developers need
to develop standardized learning materials for autistic children.