The study was embarked upon to determine the attitude of workers towards
ageing and the elderly: case study of employees of University of Nigeria Nsukka.
Four specific objectives with four corresponding research questions, and two null
hypotheses guided the study. It adopted the descriptive survey research design.
The population for the study consisted of 6,342 workers in UNN. The sample
was 205 workers. Questionnaire was used for data collection. Mean and t-test
were used for data analysis. Results of the study among others indicate that
employees of UNN had positive attitudes towards ageing process and the
elderly, male workers had more positive attitude than their female counterparts
towards ageing process, while female workers demonstrated more positive
attitude towards the elderly. Gender had significant influence on attitude of
workers in UNN towards ageing process, and had no significant influence on
attitude of workers towards the elderly. Based on the findings, recommendations
were made among which is that Universities, Government and Non-
Governmental organizations (NGOs) should organize periodic seminars,
workshops and campaigns to sensitize the workers especially the civil servants
about the inevitable natural phenomenon of ageing to enable them develop
positive attitude.