Demographic Patterns of Intimate Partner Violence and Preventive Measures within Families in Owerri Senatorial Zone of Imo State


Intimate Partner

How to Cite

T.E., I., & C.N, O. (2024). Demographic Patterns of Intimate Partner Violence and Preventive Measures within Families in Owerri Senatorial Zone of Imo State. Journal of Home Economics Research, 22(1). Retrieved from


This study focused on the demographic patterns of intimate partner
violence (IPV) and preventive measures within families in Owerri
Senatorial zone of Imo State. Four specific objectives with four
corresponding research questions, and two null hypotheses guided the
study. It was a survey. The population consisted of 603,588 married men
and women in the area. The sample was 753 married men and women.
Questionnaire was used for data collection. Percentages and chi-square
were used for data analysis. Results indicate among others, various forms
of IPV among respondents (69.7%). A slightly higher proportion of
married women (37.8%) experienced IPV more than married men (31.9%).
Married persons aged 31 - 45 (34.9%) had higher proportion of IPV
experience than those aged 46 or above (17.6%), and 18 - 30 (17.1%). A
moderate proportion (41.5%) of married persons indicates that all the
proposed preventive measures for IPV were appropriate. There was no
significant difference in the pattern of IPV among married persons based
on gender and age. The study recommended among others that
Government, NGOs, and religious bodies should organize public lectures
to enlighten married men and women on various forms, causes, where
and when it occurs most, implications, and the possible preventive
measures for intimate partner violence.