100 JHER Vol. 22, No. 1, September 2015
JHER Vol. 22, No. 1, September 2015, pp. 100 - 111
Strategies for Enhancing Safety in the Home
Adama G.N. & Ugbelu J.E
Medical centre
University of Nigeria, Nsukka
Ezeanwu A. B.
Home Economics Education
Department of Vocational Education
University of Nigeria Nsukka
The paper examined factors that threaten home safety, causes injuries,
loss of life and property. These factors are related to human and no
human (facility) factors. It also discusses way of enhancing safety in the
home.. Some common emergencies in the home and prompt first aid
treatment are also discussed. The paper recommended that residents
should be emergency ready by keeping emergency phone numbers such
as those of fire service.They should also have a complete first aid box
with emergency instructions among other things.