Influence of Social Media Messages on Adult Internet Users and Issues Relating to Domestic Violence against Cohabiting and Married Women in Southeast Nigeria

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domestic violence
married women
social media messages

How to Cite

Odenigbo, C. I., Odezulu, L. C., Anyakoha, B. U., Cookey, I. T., & Anorue, L. I. (2024). Influence of Social Media Messages on Adult Internet Users and Issues Relating to Domestic Violence against Cohabiting and Married Women in Southeast Nigeria. Journal of Home Economics Research, 31(2). Retrieved from


The study focused on influence of social media messages on adult internet users and issues relationg to domestic violence against cohabiting and married women (DVACMW) in Southeast Nigeria. Specifically, the study determined: level of awareness of social media messages on DVACMW among internet user; knowledge gained from the messages on DVACMW by the internet users; and their attitude towards DVACMW based on the messages. Survey research design was adopted. Population was 14,684,504, comprising adult internet users in Southeast Nigeria. Questionnaire was used for data collection. Data were analysed using percentages, mean and standard deviation. Findings reveal that 100 percent of respondents were aware of DVACMW. Awareness was mainly through Facebbok (75.3%); Instagram (14.0%); Twitter (8.5%); and Tik-Tok (0.8%). Regularity of reading social media messages on DVACMW ranges from daily (22.0%); weekly (30.50%); biweekly (8.8%); monthly (9.5%) to rarely (29.3%). Furthermore, findings show high knowledge level (X̅ =3.65 to 2.84) for up to 90 percent of the knowledge indicators studied. The messages also have high influence (X̅ = 3.43 to 2.66) on the respondents for up to 90 percent of the attitude indicators. The recommendations were made based on the findings.