Strategies for Reducing Micro-Nutrient Deficiencies among Rural Households in Anambra State



How to Cite

C.C., N., & A.U., A. (2024). Strategies for Reducing Micro-Nutrient Deficiencies among Rural Households in Anambra State. Journal of Home Economics Research, 28(2). Retrieved from


This study was designed to evolve the strategies for reducing micro-
nutrient deficiencies among rural households in Anambra State.
Specifically, the study determined the causes of micronutrient deficiency
and ways of curbing micro-nutrient deficiency among rural households in
Anambra State. Two research questions guided the study. The study
adopted descriptive survey research design. Population for the study
comprises of 22 Home Economics lecturers in two Colleges of Education
in Anambra State that offer Home Economics. Questionnaire was used for
data collection. Data were analysed using mean and standard deviations.
The results of the study revealed 11 causes of micro-nutrient deficiency.
These include insufficient consumption of nutrient–rich food (X = 2.88),
poor utilization food (X = 3.00), poor method of food preparation (X =
2.88), improper food storage (X = 3.22) and among others. Other findings
are 10 strategies for reducing micro-nutrient deficiency. These include
adopting cooking methods that presever food nutrients (X = 3.21), rural
women should use bio-fortified food (X = 3.11), eating vegetables and
fruits frequently by members of the household (X = 2.77), creating
awareness for food sources of micro-nutrients among the rural women (X
= 3.17) and others. The study recommended among others that women
should embark on home gardening should also adopt better preservation
storage and processing method.