The major objective of this study was to investigate the nutritional
properties of yellow yam flour supplemented with yellow cassava flour.
Specifically, the study dertermined functional properties of the yellow yam
and yellow cassava flour blends, pasting properties of the yellow yam and
yellow cassava flour blends, effect of supplementation on the sensory
properties of the instant pound yam paste produced from yellow yam flour
supplemented with yellow cassava flour. Good quality yellow yam
(Dioscorea cayenensis), tubers and yellow cassava (Manihot esculenta) and
UMUCASS38 roots were obtained from International Institute for Tropical
Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. Samples were prepared by
appropriate methods. The flour blends were formulated and instant
pounded yam flour prepared. Functional analysis and sensony evaluation
were carried out. Results of the analysis show the following ranges;
oil absorption capacity 70.25 - 85.63%; water absorption capacity 73.89-
78.69%; bulk density 0.76- 1.59g/m3; peak viscosity 158.36- 210.43 RVU;
final viscosity 178.53- 277.15RVU; setback viscosity of cooked paste 51.53-
72.54 RVU; pasting time 5.95- 8.65 min; breakdown viscosity of the cooked
paste 8.75- 9.53RVU; pasting temperature 62.55- 67.130C; trough 152.46-
180.16 RVU. The general acceptability of all the supplemented samples were
highly rated (8.00 each) as compared to control sample which had the
lowest (6.05) value. Commercial production of instant poundo yam from
yellow yam and yellow cassava flours will serve as a strategy of alleviating
the challenge of food insecurity in Nigeria.