Families need to consume goods and services in various ways and
dimensions in order to survive. This consumption has to be responsible and
based on decisions that take cognisance of sustainable development. This is
a serious concern for Home Economics which is a family-oriented and
multidisciplinary field of study. This paper examined this concern. It
presents an overview of the SDGs, discusses Goal 12 which focuses on
responsible consumption and development. It also identifies ways of
promoting responsible consumption. These ways include, among others,
promoting sustainability literacy; changing consumer behaviour and
promoting high involvement by industry. It further deals with role of Home
Economics in promoting responsible consumption. The role encapsulates
research on responsible consumption, awareness creation, teaching
consumer education, among others. Eight recommendations for promoting
responsible consumption were made. These include, among others, Home
economics practitioners should acquaint themselves with the content.
Sustainable Development Goal 12, responsible consumption. The paper
makes seven recommendations for promoting responsible consumption.