Functional Properties and Proximate Composition of Stiff-Porridge Developed from Cooking Banana Flour


Cooking Banana

How to Cite

M.A., C., P.E. , M., & G.O, A. (2024). Functional Properties and Proximate Composition of Stiff-Porridge Developed from Cooking Banana Flour. Journal of Home Economics Research, 26(1). Retrieved from


The study investigated the functional and proximate composition of stiff-
porridge developed from cooking banana (musaacuminata). Unripe cooking
banana was purchased and processed into flour. Flour samples were
formulated in proportions of I00%. Functional properties of flour samples
and proximate composition of the stiff-porridge products were determined.
Samples were significantly different (p<0.05) from that of the 100% plantain
flour. Water absorption capacity (WAC) of the samples ranged from 1.342 in
sample (GCBF) per-gelatinized cooking banana flour to 3.401% in sample
(GPPF). For packed bulk density, sample (RPPF) raw processed cooking
banana flour had the highest value. The result followed the same pattern for
swollen power. Raw processed cooking banana flour was more soluble than
all other samples. Sample GPPF was highest for (LGC) least gelation
capacity. Sample RPCB had higher moisture content than sample (RPPF) raw
processed plantain flour, (HWBP) hot water blanched plantain flour had the
highest value for ash content. There was no significant difference (P>0.05) in
the fat content of all the samples. GPCB differ significantly (P<0.05) from all
the samples in carbohydrate and protein content. The study showed that
cooking banana can be used for such products for which plantain flour is
used. The flour is desirable in terms of functional properties and proximate