Proximate Analysis, Vitamin and Mineral Composition of Instant Melon (Citullus colocynthis) and Dikanut (Irvingia wombolu) Soup Powders


instant melon
Citrullu colocynthis
Irvingia wombolu
soup powders

How to Cite

Ogbonna, K. P. (2024). Proximate Analysis, Vitamin and Mineral Composition of Instant Melon (Citullus colocynthis) and Dikanut (Irvingia wombolu) Soup Powders. Journal of Home Economics Research, 31(2). Retrieved from


The study determined the vitamin and mineral composition of instant melon (Citrullu colocynthis) and dikanut (Irvingia wombolu) soup powders. The study adopted experimental research design. Data were analyzed using mean and standard deviation. Findings reveal among others, proximate compositions of (15.80%) moisture content for dikanut soup powder1(DSP1) and (9.41%) for melon soup powder1(MSP1); for ash content, DSP1 (7.71%) while MSP1 (7.41%); the crude fibre content of both samples had (2.10%)and (2.09%) for DSP1 and MSP1; fat composition of DSP1 had (39.99%) and MSP1 (14.20%); crude protein composition, MSP1 (42.28%) while DSP1 (4.64%); carbohydrate composition, DSP1 (29.76%), and MSP1 (24.61%). Vitamin compositions include: Vit A, MSP1 3.6 ug while DSP1 2.4 ug, Vit B1, MSP1 4.2 mg while DSP1 3.0 mg; and others. Findings on mineral compositions indicate that Phosphorus for MSP1 986mg while DSP1 628mg; Iron content, MSP1 4.27 mg while DSP1 had 2.81 mg; for Manganese, MSP1 had 0.35mg while DSP1 had 0.25mg; for Magnesium, MSP1 had 11.84 mg while DSP1 had 12.49mg; for Potassium content, MSP had 1.85mg while DSP1 had 5.72 mg and for Selenium, MSP1 contained 0.37mg while DSP1 contained 0.33mg.