This study focused on challenges of the aged and their need for support in rural areas of Enugu state. Specifically, the study identified: challenges of the aged that are related to their family relationship and health, their finances and environment, as the support they need. Population for the study was 36,403 elderly individuals and Home Economists in the study area. Simple random sampling without replacement was used to select a sample size of 228 respondents that participated in the study. Questionnaire was used for data collection. Data were analyzed using mean and standard deviation. Findings show 17 family relationship and health challenges, hese include abandonment by children(X = 2.57), declining health condition(X = 3.75),among others. Other findings are 15 finance, shelter and environmental related challenges, include: loss of financial freedom(X = 2.09), problem of good housing(X
= 2.63),social isolation (X = 2.78); among others. Findings also revealed free medical treatment, free transport, moderate exercise, regular payment of pension, encouragement from children as some of the support options for the aged. Based on the findings, eight recommendations were made, that Home Economics practitioners should organize talks, seminars, for rural people include among others, on how to take care of the aged,they should serve as advisory body to law makers to make policies aimed at enhancing the wellbeing of the aged.