Proximate Analysis of Infant Complementary Food from Composite Flour of Corn, Groundnut and Soybean



How to Cite

Florence, U., A.I. , A., & U.E., N. (2024). Proximate Analysis of Infant Complementary Food from Composite Flour of Corn, Groundnut and Soybean. Journal of Home Economics Research, 27(1). Retrieved from


This study analysed the proximate composition of the food of complementary
weaning food developed from corn (Zea May L.), soyabean (Glycine max) and
groundnut (Arachishypogaea). Specifically, the study determined the
proximate composition of the gruel made from composite flours and the
sensory characteristics of the sets of porridges. It was an experimental
research. The raw materials were processed into flours using different
methods. The flours were blended in ration to form composite flour which
was used to prepare samples of gruel for infant complementary foods. The
proximate compositions of the blends were analysed. Different flours of corn,
groundnut and soya bean were blended in ration of 70:20:10.Sensory
evaluation was carried out on the samples to determine the characteristics.
The findings indicated adequate levels of moisture, protein, fat, ash, crude
fibre, and carbohydrate and energy values. All the formulated
complementary blended flour had high protein content. There were high
levels of acceptability with no significant difference in the sensory
characteristics of the three samples. Among the recommendations is that there
should be awareness creation to the rural and poor urban mothers on the
importance of local food items for complementary foods formulations which
will go a long way to solve protein energy malnutrition in the home.