The main purpose of the study was to investigate the social skills needed by
adolescents for curbing conduct disorders along River Benue banks in Benue
State, Nigeria. Specifically, the study identified common factors that cause
adolescent conduct disorders and social skills needed to curb adolescents
conduct disorders. Study was guided by two research questions. Survey
research design and focus group discussion was adopted. Population of the
study was 570 adolescents. Stratified proportionate random sampling
technique was used to select sample 368 adolescents for the study. Data were
collected with Riverine Adolescents Behavior Questionnaire (RABQ) and focus
group discussion. The data collected were analyzed using frequencies and
percentages. Find ings revealed that 10 common factors are responsible for
adolescents conduct disorders such as bad friend, lack of formal education, lack
of home training, poverty among others and 17 social skills or ways to curb
adolescents conduct disorders such as Parental good mentorship, honesty,
sincerity, knowing your right and respecting rights of others. Conclusively
social skills are needed by adolescents with conduct disorders in order to help
them to have a better behavior. It was recommended that Social skills trainings
should be provided for these adolescents by the Ministry of Social
Development to enable them establish businesses of their own or be gainfully
employed in businesses in conducive environment, Social skills training
programmes on communication, education (civic), social values, and health
awareness skills should be provided by the Ministry of Social Development for
the adolescents to enable them relate with colleagues, clients and the general
public in a socially approved manner and Counseling services should also be
made available by the Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development to
these adolescents to help them overcome harmful practices such as drug abuse,
prostitution, aggressive behaviors and other conduct behavioral problems.