Clothing Expenditure Issues among Female Lecturers in Colleges of Education in North Central Zone of Nigeria



How to Cite

G.S., F., & C.A., I. (2024). Clothing Expenditure Issues among Female Lecturers in Colleges of Education in North Central Zone of Nigeria. Journal of Home Economics Research, 26(1). Retrieved from


The study determined the factors influencing clothing expenditure of
female lecturers in Colleges of Education in the North Central Zone of
Nigeria. It was guided by two research questions. The population for the
study was 660 female lecturers from all the 13 Colleges of Education (State
and Federal) in the Zone. Multistage sampling was used to select 400 female
lecturers for the study. The sample comprised 237 junior and 163 senior
female lecturers from eight sampled Colleges of Education. Data were
collected using validated questionnaire and focus group discussion guide
(FGD). The internal consistency of the items was determined using
Cronbach Alpha give a reliability coefficient of 0.88 was obtained. A total of
390 copies of questionnaire were administered and one FGD session was
organized. Data were analyzed using percentages, means and standard
deviation. Findings revealed eight indicators of clothing expenditure and 20
factors influencing clothing expenditure of female lecturers. The study
recommended that female lecturers be educated on how to make adequate
clothing budget.