The study determined family planning practices of young couples in
Badagry Local Government Area (LGA) of Lagos State. The study adopted
a descriptive survey design. The population for the study was 2,655 young
couples. Validated questionnaire was used for data collection. Data
collected were analyzed using mean. Findings revealed that young couples
adopt different family planning methods including condom use,
withdrawal method, use of oral pills, hormonal injections, among others.
Respondents’ sources of information on family planning services include
television, radio, antenatal and postnatal clinics. Eleven benefits of family
planning methods were expressed by couples, including prevention of
unwanted pregnancies, couples having desired family size and
improvement of maternal health. Seven reasons for not adopting family
planning methods, including having unnecessary weight gain, excessive
bleeding in some women, religious beliefs were identified. It was
recommended amongst others that there is need for more family planning
units in Badagry Local Government area of Lagos State where couples can
go for consultation and advice on family planning procedures.