Dietary Habit and Nutritional Status of Commercial Tricycle (Keke Napep) Riders in Aba South Local Government Area of Abia State


Keke Napep

How to Cite

H. C., E., C. C, I., G. A., A., & Q. C., A.-A. (2024). Dietary Habit and Nutritional Status of Commercial Tricycle (Keke Napep) Riders in Aba South Local Government Area of Abia State. Journal of Home Economics Research, 23(2). Retrieved from


The study was undertaken to investigate the dietary habits and nutritional
status of commercial tricycle (Keke Napep) riders in Aba South L.G.A of Abia
State. Data were obtained from 220 male tricycle riders who were randomly
selected. Information on socio economic, demographic characteristics and
dietary habit was obtained by means of questionnaire. Anthropometric
method was used to determine the nutritional status of the subjects. Data
were analyzed using frequencies, percentages and Chi square. The findings
of the study among others showed moderate (53.6%) consumption
frequency of cereals. High consumption frequency of roots/tubers (51.8%),
fish/meat (49.1%), snacks (58.2%) and beverages (69.1%). Legumes (60.0%),
fruits/vegetables (71.8%) consumption frequencies were low. There was a
significant relationship (p<0.05) between nutritional status and source of
food consumption.