Factors Influencing Food Consumption Patterns of the University of Ibadan Undergraduate Students, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria



How to Cite

M. F., O. (2024). Factors Influencing Food Consumption Patterns of the University of Ibadan Undergraduate Students, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. Journal of Home Economics Research, 20(1). Retrieved from https://journals.heran.org/index.php/JHER/article/view/172


The study investigated factors influencing food consumption pattern of the
University of Ibadan undergraduate students, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria.
Stratified sampling technique was used to select two male and two female halls of
residence based on sex. One hundred and twenty one students (121) were
interviewed through the use of questionnaire. Descriptive and inferential statistics
were used to analyze the data. Majorities (50.4%) of the respondents were females
and (60.3%) fell between the age ranges of 21- 25 years. Majority (93.4%) had their
parent as their sources of allowance and 55.3% received allowance ranging from
N5, 000 – N9, 999. Thirty seven percent(75%) of respondents consumed
proteinous food. Only 1.7% consumed vegetables and fruits seven or more times.
Ninety percent (90%) of them got nutrition information from their parents. Major
constraints to adequate food consumption pattern of respondent were income
(50%) and family size (48%). There was significant relationship between
respondents’ sex (x2 =90.537, p= 0.000), religion (x2=32.802, p= 0.000), family size
(x2= 112.923, p= 0.000), tribe (x2 =201.709, p=0.000) and food consumption pattern.