The purpose of this study was to investigate the entrepreneurship
skills required by graduates of College of Education (COE) for
establishing fruit bottling enterprise in Akwa Ibom State. Three
research questions and hypotheses guided the study. It was survey
design, the respondents were 18 Home Economic lecturers, Ten
lecturers from College of Education Afaha Nsuit and Eight lecturers
from Federal Science and Technical College Uyo; and 320 Food
entrepreneurs registered with NAFDAC. The instrument used for
data collection was a 48-skilled item questionnaire. The hypotheses
were tested using t-test. It was found that all the 48 entrepreneurship
skills identified in establishing a fruit bottling enterprise were
required by the graduates. It was also found from the hypotheses
tested that there was no significant difference in the mean response of
lecturers and food entrepreneur on the managerial skill items, Record
keeping items and the marketing skill items that were determined.
The study recommended that the identified entrepreneurship skills be
emphasized in the curriculum of students in Colleges of Education.