The main purpose of this study was to examine the strategies of
improving supervision of home economic education at the Junior
Secondary School level in Gombe Local Government Area, Gombe
state. Three objectives and three research questions guided the study.
I was a survey. The population consisted of 98 Home Economics
teachers in Junior Secondary School and 4 supervisors in the area of
study. Data were analysed using means. Findings revealed that
supervisions have played a key role in improving teaching and
learning of Home Economics in Junior Secondary Schools in Gombe
Local Government Area with the mean (x) of 3.36. It further identified
problems such as inadequate facilities, poor remuneration and so on
with the weighted mean (x) of 3.32. Strategies for improvement of
supervision of Home Economics in secondary schools have a mean (x)
of 3.48 which include restructuring of supervision division according
to the subject, adequate motivation among others. Recommendations
made include provision of adequate facilities and funding among