Food Avoidance in Pregnancy and its Reasons Among Pregnant Women in Ebonyi State of Nigeria



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Aleke, C. O., Mong, E. U., Nwafor, A. E., Nwafor, A. E., Nwafor, A. E., Ngwakwe, P. C., … Okeke, I. M. (2024). Food Avoidance in Pregnancy and its Reasons Among Pregnant Women in Ebonyi State of Nigeria. Journal of Home Economics Research, 30(1). Retrieved from


Women have distinct nutritional requirements, especially before, during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. Avoiding certain foods during pregnancy for any reasons devoid of scientific proofs adversely affects maternal nutritional needs. This study explored foods avoidance in pregnancy and related reasons among pregnant women in Ebonyi state. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. Population was made up of pregnant mothers attending antenatal clinics in the health care facilities in Ebonyi state. Questionnaire was used for data collection. Data were analyzed using percentages, rank order, means and standard deviation. Results include 25 avoided foods by pregnant women in Ebonyi state. Those with the high avoidance percentage scores are squirrels (59.1%), bird gizzard (59.1%), snails (55.50%), frogs (55.2) and others. Other findings are four strongest reasons for avoiding foods, namely, snails in pregnancy because my baby would be sluggish and spit too much saliva (X̅ =2.53), bird gizzard (eke-okuko)/ meat liver (mejiu – anu) during pregnancy because it is against my culture and can prolong labour and delivery difficulties (X̅ = 3.06), okra soup in pregnancy because my baby spit too much saliva after birth (X̅ = 3.01), and snails were avoided in pregnancy becauset it is against my culture (X̅ =3.12). There are also six weak reasons for avoidance of food. These are egg during pregnancy because it will make my baby a thief (X̅ =2.13), male organ of an animal during pregnancy because it is a taboo in my community (X̅ =2.02), vegetables like cabbage and avocado during pregnancy to avoid fatty baby which is difficult to deliver (X̅ =1.67) and others. The study recommended the need for nutritional education programme and sensitization campaign by the relevant stakeholders/health educators to address foods avoidance in pregnancy and its reasons, especially during antenatal care services.