The study assessed effect of sorghum leaf sheath and extract on the chemical and sensory properties of boiled cowpea. Cowpea seeds, sorghum leaf sheath, salt, pepper and palm oil were purchased from Rumuokoro Market in Port-Harcourt, Rivers State. Materials were sorted, weighed and prepared. Samples were produced using standard methods.Samples were assessed for proximate, energy, mineral, phytochemical content and sensory properties using standard methods of analysis. Data were analyzed using means and standard deviation, analysis of variance and Duncan Multiple Range test. Results show, among others, moisture content was highest (58.27%) in sample boiled with sorghum leaf sheath while ash content did not differ significantly (p>0.05) among the samples and ranged between 2.01% and 2.92%. Cowpea boiled with palm oil had the highest fat (10.53%), energy (237.93 kcal) and lowest protein content (8.84%). Crude fibre differed significantly among the samples and was highest in cowpea boiled with sorghum leaf sheath (1.85%). Carbohydrate varied significantly with cowpea boiled with sorghum leaf sheath extract having the highest (31.13%). Calcium (11.94mg) and zinc (1.74mg) was highest in cowpea boiled with sorghum leaf sheath extract while phosphorus was highest (11.41mg) in cowpea boiled with palm oil. Cowpea boiled with palm oil had the highest values for carotenoid (3.34mg) and alkaloid (7.95%) when compared with other samples. Saponin (8.42%) was highest in cowpea containing sorghum leaf sheath. Boiled cowpea samples varied significantly in their colour, flavour, taste and overall acceptability while texture did not vary significantly. Cowpea boiled with palm oil was the most preferred having higher mean scores for all the sensory attributes. Cowpea boiled with sorghum leaf sheath compared favourably with the one containing palm oil in all sensory attributes.