Proximate and Functional properties of Pigeon Pea (Cajanuscajan) and Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) flour Blends.


pigeon pea seeds
sorghum grain flour blends

How to Cite

Nwakanma, C. I., Obinwa, E. P., & Umeh- Idika, A. S. (2024). Proximate and Functional properties of Pigeon Pea (Cajanuscajan) and Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) flour Blends. Journal of Home Economics Research, 31(1). Retrieved from


The main purpose of this study was to assess the proximate and functional properties of pigeon pea seeds and sorghum grain flour blends. Specifically the study determined the proximate composition and functional properties (bulk density, water absorption capacity, oil absorption capacity, foaming capacity, emulsion capacity, wettability, swelling index, gelation time and gelation temperature) of the flour blends. Composite flour was formulated by blending the pigeon pea and sorghum flour in the ratios of 4:1, 1:1, 3:2 respectively using 100percent wheat flour as the control. The proximate and functional properties were determined using standard methods. Data were analyzed using means and standard deviation. Results for proximate composition of the flour samples show,among others, that moisture content ranged from 6.93-9.13 percent, ash 1.02-3.29percent, fat 1.84--2.81percent. Sample B which is made from100 percent pigeon pea flour was higher than the other samples in terms of ash, fat, protein, and fiber. Results for functional properties, ranged from 0.71-0.85percent, 0.83-1.37percent, 0.67-1.13percent, 17.95-25.16percent, 33.95-45.89percent, 35.33-71.00percent, 1.76-2.23percent, 12.91-23.53percent and 66.00-78.17percent respectively. This finding show that there were variations among the flour samples, however the flour blends possessappropriate functional properties that could make them suitable for use in development of food products.