Sensory Evaluation and Proximate Composition of Snacks Produced from Composite Flour of Dioscorea alata and Telfairia occidentalis Seeds


Composite flour
Dioscorea alata tubers
Telfairia occidentalis seeds
Wheat flour

How to Cite

G.O., A., M.A., C., & E. A, B. (2024). Sensory Evaluation and Proximate Composition of Snacks Produced from Composite Flour of Dioscorea alata and Telfairia occidentalis Seeds. Journal of Home Economics Research, 20(1). Retrieved from


The purpose of this research was to develop snacks (cuts of chin chin and strips
of chin chin) from composite flour of Dioscorea alata tubers and defatted Telfairia
occidentalis seeds and to test the snacks for acceptability. The study adopted an
experimental design. D. alata tubers and T. occidentalis seeds were processed into
flour using different methods. Cuts of chin chin and strips of chin chin were
produced from composite flour of D. alata and defatted T. occidentalis seeds.
Proximate composition of these samples was determined. The samples were also
subjected to sensory evaluation on: (colour, texture, taste, flavour and general
acceptability). A nine-point hedonic scale was used. Twenty panelists were used
for the sensory evaluation. Data was analysed using means and analysis of
variance (ANOVA). Incorporating defatted T. occidentalis seeds at 10%, 20% &
30% resulted in an increase in protein content of the snacks. For cuts of chin chin,
the protein content ranged from (5.98%) to (6.55%) and for strips of chin chin
(5.10%) to (6.82%). Result of sensory evaluation showed that the control (100%
wheat flour) was most preferred followed by samples with 90% D. alata flour and
10% T. occidentalis seeds flour for both products. It was concluded that flours
from D. alata tubers and T. occidentalis seeds at a ratio of 90:10 could be used for
chin chin production.