This study assessed mass median programmes on HIV/AIDS Education
for rural farmers in Benue State. The study was conducted using NTA
and Radio Benue Makurdi. A sample of 150 rural farmers was randomly
selected for the study. Instrument for the study was interview
schedule/questionnaire and a perusal of the programme schedule
booklets of two media houses. Mean was used to analyse data. Findings
revealed that 81.6 percent of the rural farmers were highly
knowledgeable about HIV/AIDS epidemic but had constraints in
receiving HIV/AIDS education of the media. It was concluded that the
media had a good number of programmes which were used for
educating rural farmers on HIV/AIDS. It was recommended that
electricity should be provided to the rural areas and TV viewing centers
be established at appropriate places for practical lifestyle teaching to
educate farmers on HIV/AIDS.
Key words: Media, Education, Rural, Farmers, HIV/AIDS